Wearing Bright Colours in Winter



Wearing Bright Colours in Winter - How to Brighten You Day !

Bright colours are just for summer, right? Wrong!

It’s easy to fall into the trap of associating your yellows, reds, oranges, and light blues with summertime. They are, after all, the colours of everything we associate with the season – sea, sand, cloudless sky, and floral displays. It’s probably why many of us reach for the neutrals when autumn and winter come around. Those greys, browns, and blacks seem to fit the environment – and possibly our mood.

But there are plenty of reasons to ignore those instincts in winter. Bright colours are just perfect as an accompaniment to the muted tones of the natural world. They’re also a bit of a tonic for a time of year when we’re craving a little heat and light in our lives, just when the evening seems to come far too soon every day. So before you pack away your beloved bright clothing for the winter, have a look at our guide to technicolour when everything else is in black and white.

Festive Cheer

It’s no coincidence that the highlight of the social calendar happens at the exact nadir of winter. The Romans had Saturnalia, a festival of gift-giving, partying, and the annual tradition of masters waiting on their slaves. The Celts celebrated the winter solstice with more feasting and festivities, and of course, they gave us the idea of decorating a tree, which we still do today. And the Germanic people and Vikings, who really had the toughest of winters, would also spread the cheer in their Yule celebrations. Cue more light, feasting, and wild gatherings that make the average office Christmas party look like the local book club tombola!

In other words, there’s something innately human about introducing light, colour, and conviviality into your life when the world around you is doing the opposite. And your wardrobe can play a wonderful role in fulfilling that particular need.

So, instead of pulling on your rusty browns and cool grey (however gorgeously autumnal they are), just go for it with a splash of colour to warm your soul. If it’s a little nippy out, why not snuggle up in a vivacious jumper ? 

Spooky Orange and Ferocious Fireworks

Christmas isn’t the only celebration that brings us all together at the tail end of the year. We’re also treated to an international phenomenon and a uniquely British affair – Halloween and Bonfire Night.

Thanks to the pumpkins we’ve carved for generations, orange has become the Official Colour of Halloween by order of the Department of Taste. It also happens to be a lovely rich and balmy colour, occupying the centre of the warm section of the colour wheel. If you’re out shopping you’re going to see orange highlights everywhere during a Halloween season that seems to get longer every year. And that means it’s the perfect opportunity to bring a little orange into your life. 

You could shop around for an orange jumper or coat, but we can probably all agree that unbroken orange can be a bit much, and struggles to complement other clothing as it’s so dominant. If you do want to take that route, try and find something towards the redder part of the spectrum, as that better complements jeans and dark greys. 

Five days after Halloween, when you’ve finally finished off your kids’ confiscated chocolates, there’s another celebration, this time with every colour under the moon. How many of us go out to watch a firework display on Guy Fawkes’ Night and then head off to a bar or restaurant to tuck into some delicious warm food or a cheeky drink? The atmosphere is always fantastic, and it’s the perfect opportunity to show off a bit of colour to match the mood.

The Perfect Contrast

Going colourful when the world around you is dressing drab is a great way to stand out. Depending on how brave and outgoing you are, you don’t have to have volume control when it comes to colours. Even though something subtly colourful will give you a slight edge, why not go all the way and step out in a rainbow of shades? A lively stripy jumper worn under a red overcoat, or light blue trousers against a warm brown patterned jumper will work a treat, and ensure nobody thinks you’ve let the long nights get to you.

Just have a look at your summertime wardrobe and see if there are any perfect layering opportunities. A bright T-shirt can be worn under a more muted cardigan, for example. It just looks the part and makes you stand out enough to look like you’re not trying. And of course, there’s always room for an array of colours in your accessories. If you are dressed a little more mutedly, through taste or uniform requirements, there’s nothing to stop you from making your hat, scarf, shoes, or bag a beacon of colour against the muted backdrop.